Yiwu, situated in the central region of Zhejiang province, has gained international acclaim as a commercial hub. The city’s economy thrives on trade, with the Yiwu International Trade City being one of the largest wholesale markets in the world. The efficient postal system, including its detailed zip code structure, plays a significant role in facilitating trade and communication.

Administrative Divisions and Zip Codes

Yiwu’s administrative divisions include several towns and streets, each with its unique zip code. These zip codes ensure accurate mail delivery and assist in the seamless functioning of various services.

Yiwu, China Zip Codes

Yiwu City Center (义乌市中心)

The city center is the heart of Yiwu, bustling with commercial activities. The primary zip code for the city center is 322000.

Chengzhong Subdistrict (城中街道)

Chengzhong Subdistrict, located within the city center, is a vital area for business. Its specific zip code is 322001.

Beiyuan Subdistrict (北苑街道)

Beiyuan Subdistrict, another important part of the city center, is assigned the zip code 322002.

North Yiwu (义乌北部)

Northern Yiwu is known for its residential areas and emerging commercial zones. The main zip code for this region is 322100.

Houzhai Subdistrict (后宅街道)

Houzhai Subdistrict, located in the north, has the zip code 322101.

Choucheng Subdistrict (稠城街道)

Choucheng Subdistrict is a significant part of northern Yiwu, with the zip code 322102.

South Yiwu (义乌南部)

Southern Yiwu combines residential areas with industrial zones. The primary zip code here is 322200.

Jiangdong Subdistrict (江东街道)

Jiangdong Subdistrict, a major area in southern Yiwu, has the zip code 322201.

Futian Subdistrict (福田街道)

Futian Subdistrict, known for the Yiwu International Trade City, is assigned the zip code 322202.

Surrounding Towns and Their Zip Codes

Apart from the central areas, Yiwu encompasses several towns, each with distinct zip codes to facilitate regional administration.

Suxi Town (苏溪镇)

Suxi Town, a significant residential and industrial area, has the zip code 322300.

Suxi Town Center (苏溪镇中心)

The town center of Suxi is specifically designated the zip code 322301.

Suxi Industrial Zone (苏溪工业区)

The industrial zone within Suxi Town uses the zip code 322302.

Shangxi Town (上溪镇)

Shangxi Town, known for its scenic beauty and traditional industries, has the zip code 322400.

Shangxi Town Center (上溪镇中心)

The central area of Shangxi Town is designated the zip code 322401.

Shangxi Industrial Zone (上溪工业区)

The industrial zone in Shangxi Town is assigned the zip code 322402.

Rural Areas and Zip Codes

Yiwu’s rural areas are essential for agriculture and traditional industries. The zip codes in these regions help in the efficient delivery of services and mail.

Yiting Town (义亭镇)

Yiting Town, a rural area with significant agricultural activities, has the zip code 322500.

Yiting Town Center (义亭镇中心)

The central part of Yiting Town uses the zip code 322501.

Yiting Agricultural Zone (义亭农业区)

The agricultural zone within Yiting Town is assigned the zip code 322502.

Dachen Town (大陈镇)

Dachen Town, known for its traditional crafts and rural lifestyle, has the zip code 322600.

Dachen Town Center (大陈镇中心)

The town center of Dachen is designated the zip code 322601.

Dachen Craft Zone (大陈手工业区)

The craft zone within Dachen Town uses the zip code 322602.

Industrial Areas and Zip Codes

Yiwu’s industrial areas are crucial for its economic growth. These zones are well-planned and have specific zip codes for streamlined operations.

Yiwu Economic Development Zone (义乌经济开发区)

The Yiwu Economic Development Zone is a hub for various industries and has the zip code 322700.

Central Industrial Area (中央工业区)

The central industrial area within the development zone is assigned the zip code 322701.

Peripheral Industrial Area (外围工业区)

The peripheral industrial area uses the zip code 322702.

Yiwu Export Processing Zone (义乌出口加工区)

The Yiwu Export Processing Zone focuses on manufacturing goods for export. Its zip code is 322800.

Export Processing Center (出口加工中心)

The central part of the export processing zone is designated the zip code 322801.

Export Processing Peripheral Area (出口加工外围区)

The peripheral area within the export processing zone uses the zip code 322802.

Educational Institutions and Zip Codes

Yiwu is home to several educational institutions, each having specific zip codes to facilitate administrative functions and correspondence.

Yiwu Industrial and Commercial College (义乌工商学院)

Yiwu Industrial and Commercial College, a prominent educational institution, has the zip code 322900.

Main Campus (主校区)

The main campus of the college uses the zip code 322901.

Branch Campus (分校区)

The branch campus is assigned the zip code 322902.

Yiwu High School (义乌中学)

Yiwu High School, known for its academic excellence, has the zip code 323000.

Main Building (主楼)

The main building of Yiwu High School uses the zip code 323001.

Sports Complex (体育馆)

The sports complex within the school is assigned the zip code 323002.

Healthcare Institutions and Zip Codes

Yiwu’s healthcare institutions are essential for the well-being of its residents. These institutions have specific zip codes to ensure efficient mail and service delivery.

Yiwu Central Hospital (义乌市中心医院)

Yiwu Central Hospital, the primary healthcare provider in the city, has the zip code 323100.

Main Building (主楼)

The main building of the hospital uses the zip code 323101.

Outpatient Department (门诊部)

The outpatient department is assigned the zip code 323102.

Yiwu Women and Children’s Hospital (义乌市妇幼保健院)

Yiwu Women and Children’s Hospital, specializing in women and children’s health, has the zip code 323200.

Main Building (主楼)

The main building of the hospital uses the zip code 323201.

Pediatric Department (儿科)

The pediatric department is assigned the zip code 323202.

Tourist Attractions and Zip Codes

Yiwu boasts several tourist attractions, each with unique zip codes for visitor information and service management.

Yiwu International Trade City (义乌国际商贸城)

The Yiwu International Trade City, a major tourist and commercial attraction, has the zip code 323300.

Main Hall (主大厅)

The main hall of the trade city uses the zip code 323301.

Exhibition Center (展览中心)

The exhibition center within the trade city is assigned the zip code 323302.

Xiuhu Park (绣湖公园)

Xiuhu Park, a scenic spot in Yiwu, has the zip code 323400.

Main Entrance (主入口)

The main entrance of the park uses the zip code 323401.

Park Pavilion (公园亭)

The park pavilion is assigned the zip code 323402.

Residential Areas and Zip Codes

Yiwu’s residential areas are well-planned, with specific zip codes to ensure efficient mail delivery and service provision.

Beiyuan Residential Area (北苑住宅区)

The Beiyuan residential area, a major housing zone, has the zip code 323500.

North Sector (北区)

The north sector of Beiyuan residential area uses the zip code 323501.

South Sector (南区)

The south sector is assigned the zip code 323502.

Jiangdong Residential Area (江东住宅区)

Jiangdong residential area, known for its modern housing complexes, has the zip code 323600.

Central Sector (中央区)

The central sector of Jiangdong residential area uses the zip code 323601.

East Sector (东区)

The east sector is assigned the zip code 323602.

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