Yiwu is located in eastern China, specifically in the central part of Zhejiang Province. Positioned approximately 300 kilometers south of Shanghai, Yiwu benefits from its proximity to major transportation hubs, including ports and airports, facilitating efficient logistics and international trade. The city’s geographical location has been a critical factor in its emergence as a trading powerhouse.

Climate and Weather in Yiwu, China

Climate Overview

Yiwu, located in Zhejiang Province, China, experiences a humid subtropical climate. This climate type is characterized by distinct seasons, with generally mild winters and hot, humid summers.

Month Average Temperature (°C) Average Precipitation (mm) Average Sunny Days
January 5.3 65 9
February 7.3 80 8
March 11.8 125 9
April 17.4 122 10
May 22.2 145 9
June 26.4 227 7
July 29.8 180 10
August 29.2 155 9
September 24.8 145 9
October 19.0 90 10
November 13.0 73 10
December 7.2 54 10

Weather in Yiwu by Month

The weather in Yiwu, China, exhibits distinctive seasonal variations, offering a diverse climate experience throughout the year. From the cool winters and blooming springs to the hot and humid summers, followed by the crisp autumns, Yiwu’s climate reflects the nuances of its geographic location and influences. Understanding the monthly weather patterns is essential for residents, businesses, and visitors to make informed decisions and fully appreciate the dynamic and ever-changing environment of Yiwu.


January marks the beginning of winter in Yiwu. The city experiences cool temperatures with an average high of around 10°C (50°F) and lows dipping to 2°C (36°F) at night. While snow is rare, occasional frost may occur. This month is relatively dry, with lower humidity compared to other seasons. Residents and visitors are advised to wear warm clothing, and the festive atmosphere of Chinese New Year brings a sense of celebration to the city.


February continues the winter trend in Yiwu, with similar temperature ranges as January. Days remain cool, and nights can be chilly, requiring warm attire. As with January, rainfall is minimal during this month. The Chinese New Year festivities, which usually extend into early February, add vibrancy to the city, with traditional celebrations and decorations enhancing the cultural experience.


As winter transitions to spring, March sees a gradual increase in temperatures in Yiwu. The average high reaches around 15°C (59°F), and nights become milder. Spring blossoms start to emerge, creating a visually appealing landscape. While occasional rain showers may occur, March generally experiences drier conditions compared to the upcoming months. It is a pleasant time to explore outdoor activities as the city comes to life with renewed energy.


April brings more noticeable changes to Yiwu’s weather. The average high temperature rises to approximately 20°C (68°F), and the city experiences a shift towards warmer and more comfortable conditions. Spring is in full swing, with flowers blooming, and parks becoming popular destinations. April marks the beginning of the tourist season, attracting visitors eager to enjoy the favorable weather. Rainfall increases slightly, necessitating occasional rain gear.


May is characterized by further warming, with average high temperatures reaching around 25°C (77°F). Spring is at its peak, and Yiwu’s surroundings are adorned with vibrant colors. The city experiences more rainfall compared to the previous months, contributing to the lush greenery. Outdoor events and activities become more frequent as residents and tourists take advantage of the pleasant weather. May serves as a transition to the warmer summer months.


June heralds the arrival of summer in Yiwu, bringing higher temperatures and increased humidity. Average highs can exceed 30°C (86°F), making it one of the warmer months. Summer showers become more prevalent, and the city experiences the onset of the East Asian monsoon. Thunderstorms may occur, providing relief from the heat. Visitors are advised to stay hydrated and take precautions against the summer weather.


July is one of the hottest and most humid months in Yiwu. Average high temperatures hover around 33°C (91°F), accompanied by high humidity levels. The monsoon season intensifies, leading to increased rainfall and occasional heavy downpours. Despite the heat, July is an active time for business in Yiwu, with traders and buyers navigating the market’s extensive offerings. Proper sun protection and rain gear are essential for those venturing outdoors.


August maintains the summer heat, with average high temperatures similar to July. The humidity persists, and rainfall continues, contributing to the overall wet conditions. August is a month of adaptation for residents and businesses, with strategies in place to mitigate the impact of the monsoon season. While the weather may be challenging, Yiwu’s dynamic market remains operational, attracting visitors from around the world.


As summer transitions to autumn, September sees a gradual decrease in temperatures. Average highs range from 28°C to 33°C (82°F to 91°F), and the humidity begins to subside. The monsoon season starts to taper off, leading to drier conditions. September is a pleasant time to explore Yiwu, with milder weather and the city showcasing the early signs of autumn. Outdoor activities become popular again as the weather becomes more comfortable.


October brings a notable shift in Yiwu’s climate, with cooler temperatures and more noticeable autumn foliage. Average highs range from 20°C to 25°C (68°F to 77°F), creating a pleasant atmosphere for outdoor pursuits. The humidity continues to decrease, and rainfall is relatively low. October marks the peak of the autumn season, attracting visitors who appreciate the scenic beauty of Yiwu’s parks and natural surroundings.


November continues the autumn trend, with average high temperatures ranging from 15°C to 20°C (59°F to 68°F). Days are cool, and nights become colder, requiring warmer clothing. The city experiences a return to drier conditions, and outdoor activities are still viable. November serves as a transition month, preparing Yiwu for the upcoming winter season. While not as cold as January or February, residents begin to bundle up as temperatures gradually decline.


December marks the arrival of winter, with cooler temperatures reminiscent of January. Average high temperatures hover around 10°C (50°F), and nights can be cold, with temperatures dropping to 2°C (36°F). Winter attire becomes necessary, and occasional frost may occur. While December is generally a dry month, the festive atmosphere of the holiday season brings warmth to Yiwu. The year concludes with a mix of cool weather and celebrations, setting the stage for the cyclical nature of Yiwu’s climate.

Best Time to Visit Yiwu, China

The best time to visit Yiwu, China, largely depends on what you plan to do during your visit and your weather preferences. Here are a few considerations:

Spring (March to May)

  • Weather: Mild and pleasant, with average temperatures ranging from 11.8°C to 22.2°C.
  • Rainfall: Moderate rainfall, with an average precipitation of 125mm in March and 145mm in May.
  • Advantages: This is a great time to experience Yiwu’s natural beauty, as flowers bloom and the landscape becomes lush. It’s also comfortable for outdoor activities and exploring the city.

Autumn (September to November)

  • Weather: Also mild and comfortable, with temperatures ranging from 24.8°C in September to 13.0°C in November.
  • Rainfall: Lower precipitation compared to spring, with an average of 145mm in September decreasing to 73mm in November.
  • Advantages: Autumn is considered the best season to visit due to the pleasant weather and lower humidity. The period around October is particularly favorable, offering ideal conditions for sightseeing and shopping.


  • Summer (June to August): Yiwu experiences hot and humid conditions with temperatures often exceeding 29°C and high precipitation, particularly in June (227mm). This period can be less comfortable for outdoor activities but may still be suitable for indoor activities like visiting markets and shopping centers.
  • Winter (December to February): Winters are cold but not extreme, with average temperatures around 5.3°C to 7.3°C. Rainfall is relatively low, but it may not be the most comfortable time for visitors who prefer warmer weather.

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