Yiwu Weather in April

April is a beautiful spring month in Yiwu, Zhejiang Province, China. This time of year is characterized by mild temperatures, moderate rainfall, and blooming flowers, making it one of the most pleasant times to visit the city. The comfortable weather conditions in April provide an excellent opportunity for both outdoor activities and business ventures.

Weather  Overview

April in Yiwu, China, offers a pleasant spring climate characterized by mild temperatures, moderate rainfall, and increasing daylight hours. The average temperature ranges from 13°C (55°F) to 22°C (72°F), with daytime warmth and cooler nights. The city experiences around 120 mm (4.7 inches) of rainfall spread over 10 to 12 days, with humidity levels ranging from 65% to 75%. Despite occasional light showers, Yiwu enjoys significant sunshine and long daylight hours. Light to moderate winds from the east or southeast bring mild and moist air, contributing to the overall comfortable climate. Whether visiting for business or leisure, April’s weather in Yiwu provides an ideal setting for outdoor activities, exploration, and enjoying the city’s many attractions.

Year Average Temperature (°C) Precipitation (mm) Sunny Days
2012 17.4 104.5 11
2013 17.5 114.2 10
2014 17.7 121.8 10
2015 17.7 104.2 10
2016 17.9 112.6 11
2017 18.1 94.5 11
2018 18.1 87.3 11
2019 17.9 98.7 10
2020 18.3 91.2 12
2021 18.1 100.5 9
2022 17.7 112.9 10


Average Temperature

In April, Yiwu experiences mild and comfortable temperatures as the city fully transitions into spring. The average temperature ranges from approximately 13°C (55°F) to 22°C (72°F). These temperatures create a welcoming and pleasant environment, ideal for exploring the city and its surroundings.

Daytime and Nighttime Temperature

  • Daytime: During the daytime, temperatures often reach between 19°C (66°F) and 22°C (72°F). The warmth during the day is generally mild, making it perfect for outdoor activities such as visiting parks, markets, and cultural sites.
  • Nighttime: Nighttime temperatures are cooler but still comfortable, averaging between 13°C (55°F) and 15°C (59°F). The cool nights provide a refreshing contrast to the warmer days, allowing for a good night’s sleep without the need for extensive heating or cooling measures.



April in Yiwu is characterized by moderate rainfall, with an average of about 120 mm (4.7 inches) spread over approximately 10 to 12 days. The rain is typically gentle and intermittent, often occurring as light showers. This moderate rainfall helps to maintain the lush greenery and vibrant flowers that bloom during this time of year.


Humidity levels in April are moderate, ranging from 65% to 75%. The humidity, combined with the mild temperatures, creates a comfortable and pleasant atmosphere. The moderate humidity is not usually oppressive, allowing for enjoyable outdoor activities without significant discomfort.

Sunshine and Daylight

Daylight Hours

April enjoys increasing daylight hours in Yiwu, with the sun rising around 5:50 AM and setting around 6:30 PM, providing approximately 12.5 to 13 hours of daylight each day. These extended daylight hours offer ample time for activities and exploration, making it an ideal month for sightseeing and outdoor pursuits.


Despite the moderate rainfall, Yiwu experiences a substantial amount of sunshine in April. Clear and sunny days are frequent, interspersed with cloudy periods and occasional light rain showers. The balance of sunshine and rain creates a pleasant and dynamic climate, ideal for enjoying the city’s attractions and natural beauty.


Wind Speed and Direction

The wind in Yiwu during April is generally light to moderate, with an average speed of about 10 km/h (6 mph). The predominant wind direction is from the east or southeast, bringing mild and moist air from the ocean. Occasionally, stronger gusts may occur, especially during rain showers, but they are usually brief and not disruptive.

Activities and Recommendations

Outdoor Activities

April’s weather in Yiwu is conducive to various outdoor activities. The mild temperatures and extended daylight hours provide excellent conditions for exploring the city’s markets, parks, and cultural sites. It’s advisable to carry an umbrella or light raincoat due to the possibility of light showers. Staying hydrated and wearing light, breathable clothing can help manage the moderate humidity.

Clothing Recommendations

Given the mild and slightly humid conditions, lightweight, breathable clothing made from natural fibers like cotton or linen is recommended. Layering can be useful to adjust to the varying temperatures between day and night. A light jacket or sweater is advisable for the cooler evenings and early mornings. A hat, sunglasses, and sunscreen are essential for sun protection during the sunny parts of the day.

Yiwu Weather in April

Sourcing Products in Yiwu During April

For individuals looking to source products in Yiwu during April, there are several factors to consider in addition to the weather conditions. As the city embraces the arrival of spring, businesses may experience shifts in activity levels and consumer demand. It’s essential to stay informed about market trends and seasonal changes in demand to make strategic decisions about product sourcing and inventory management.

Additionally, while the Chinese New Year holiday may have concluded by April, businesses in China may still be recovering from the holiday period and adjusting production schedules accordingly. It’s important to communicate with suppliers about any potential lead time adjustments and plan ahead to mitigate any disruptions to product sourcing efforts.

Furthermore, as weather conditions become more favorable for outdoor activities and events in April, businesses may have opportunities to showcase their products at trade shows and exhibitions. Participating in these events can provide valuable networking opportunities and exposure to potential buyers. However, it’s important to plan ahead and coordinate logistics to ensure a successful participation in these events.

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